BRITISH COUNCIL & PUSAKAare pleased to announce a
Reading by British novelist and illustrator,
at Maya Gallery, Kuala Lumpur
Edward Carey, a writer quickly gaining international recognition, was born in 1970 in East Walsham, England. He has written two novels, Observatory Mansions and Alva and Irva, and several adaptations for the stage, including Patrick Süskind’s The Pigeon and Robert Coover’s Pinocchio in Venice.
He recently finished a free adaptation of Charles Dickens’ The Pickwick Papers.
Mr. Carey’s own plays include Sulking Thomas and Captain of the Birds and have been produced in London, Romania, and Lithuania. He is also a freelance illustrator; original artwork appears in his novels.
Edward Carey in Malaysia:
For the past month, Edward Carey has been working intensely in Kelantan with Dalang Dollah Baju Merah and poet Eddin Khoo
on an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth for the Wayang Kulit screen.
PUSAKA and the British Council are proud to host Edward Carey’s stay in Malaysia.
Date: Tuesday, June 14th 2005
Venue: Maya Gallery
No. 12, 1st Floor,
Jalan Telawi Tiga,
Bangsar Baru
59100 Kuala Lumpur
Time: 8pm
Edward Carey will read selected excerpts from his novels. As a prelude, Eddin Khoo will read from his forthcoming collection of poetry, All the World’s Figures.
The reading is open to all.
Refreshments courtesy of the British Council.

For more about Edward Carey's books take a look here.
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