Happy New Year all of you! Staying with my sister and her family in the outer reaches of London. Have been buried under a deluge of Christmasness for the past week which has passed in a glorius haze of overindulgence - these are folks who believe in doing the whole thing properly. My chef brother-in-law, Michael and sister Tess, cooked above and beyond the call of duty - so I've just been drifting from one gormet meal to the next. (Goose, turkey, roast lamb, fresh salmon, game soup, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, mince pies, sticky toffee pudding, caramelised orange trifle ... )

I got the snow you wished me, thanks - little flurries of it just after Christmas. Enough of it to turn a
walk in the woods surrounding the former home of librettist
W.S. Gilbert into a Narnian dreamworld. Enough to create magic when we took the kids
iceskating in front of historical Somerset House. But it didn't settle for long and the rest of the week has been the usual December mix of wet miserable days and days so bitingly cold that the thoughts seem to get stuck to the inside of your brain. On the coldest day so far we bundled up and went off to the
Tower of London with its hundreds of years of grissly history. Today we are off to
Tate Modern to have lunch in one of Michael's restaurants and to take in the exhibitions.
Wishing you all the best for agreat 2006!
sharon, happy new year to you too - yes, we had a bit of snow -not much but enough and we went searching for it in Stratford, cotswold, oxford - not much either. When you think you can pull yourself away, I'll buy you that tea as promised. Name the place.
Is it too late to ask you to check up a certain artist at the Tate?
Artist: Ha Van Vuong
Work: Itinerant Singer
Not sure if it's the same as this:
Ha Van Vuong
happy new year! ^_^
happy 2006!
happy 2006, sharon!
Happy New year Sharon.
Say hello to Blighty for me. You really made my mouth water with all those foods you mentioned......
Ha, (s)he's good :) anyway, yeah British food (if you can call it that, lol) (ow.) How does anyone eat something called "Spotted Dick" ? :)
Um.. and http://veinglory.8.forumer.com :)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, Sharon!!!
Hey Sharon,
Best wishes for the new year!
Hope it's not to late to wish you a Happy New Year.
Yay snooooow! Even a bit of it will be so fun lol..
Happy New Year and enjoy your London stay :)
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Sharon.
seven days late, I know, But, Happy New Year, Sharon.
thanks belatedly to you all for your greetings.
chet - sorry i don't know and didn't have cahnce to go back to the tate and check ... maybe you could get in touch with them directly?
anon- i used to be fond of spotted dick (the pud)... stodgy suet pudding with raisins ... just right for filling you up in cold weather ... but i don't think it's made very often now ...
... what was the link for?
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