There's nothing as nice as a list of reading suggestions, and this being the season of the summer hols in Britain,
the Guardian asked some of the biggest names in the literary firmament (including Monica Ali, Sarah Waters, David Lodge, Orhan Pamuk) what books they would be packing with their buckets and spades.
Picture: The perfect bibliochair for beach reading. From I Want One of Those. (And I really do!)
Readers of the Guardian seem to feel the list is pretentiou s twaddle.
Those chairs are VERY expensive. One would cost me AUD$150-00! Without the Penguin logo, I'm sure I could get a similar chair for under $20.
I actually have four chairs in my shed which appear to be identical (except for the logo, of course) and which I've had for about 25 years. They are VERY uncomfortable - that crossbar near the knees cuts off circulation.
I think I would rather spend the money on books. :-)
Agree with you Ron!
Sharon - Penguin Special by Jeremy Lewis is out. Worth a read I think.
The various items licensed by Penguin are very expensive. I saw the mugs while in London and thought of treating myself to one, until I saw the price (£8.99), which converts to about RM54/-!
BTW, Sharon - the Guardian link goes nowhere. For some reason, it's got www.blogger.com in front of it. It's fine after I deleted the www.blogger.com bit.
My summer (summer?) reading: Sarah Waters The Night Watch, as you recommended it so highly, and plays, plays, plays. Phew. Perhaps it should be my summer "writing".
Gosh, I'm away for 1 day and missed out on adding to all those comments on your blog yesterday.
still want those chairs :-D
chet - thanks - that one was a gremlin thing - keeps happening
ron - why can't i find your blog anymore????
animah - yes, do enjoy the sarah waters, highly recommended
I've 'unblogged' (deblogged?), Sharon. I'm spending far too much time on the Internet and not enough doing what I should be doing.
For me blogging is one of those procrastinating things, like sharpening pencils for an hour or two, that keep me from facing the 'blank sheet of paper' - blank computer screen just doesn't look the same, does it?
So, I've limited myself no more than one a hour a day on the 'Net (except for genuine research), and to commenting on just a handful of blogs.
arrrgggghhhhh! ron - now you are making ME feel guilty - of course it is procrastiantion - it's precisely why i'm not writing fiction
shall i disappear too? (actually no, i'm having too much fun)
(is entering all your books on library thing another form of procrastination?? i think it is for me)
Librarything took up a month of my life and I NEVER want to go through that again: I religiously backup everytime I enter a new book.
At least the books got a much-needed dusting.
And, NO, you must not do a Ron and 'deblog' - I like coming here and would miss it too much. Apart from the fact it's a ruddy interesting blog, it's nice to interact with fellow book lovers in nearby countries.
Now I am really going to log off and start my new routine (actually, as chief cook in my household, I'm really going to start making dinner which is quite an interesting feat each night as I do it one-handed whilst reading a book - well, at least while the rice cooks! ;-))
PS I notice from the time of that last comment that I'm about two hours ahead of you (it's 4:34pm here).
cooking one-handed while reading a book! you are dedicated ...
i used to read walking down the street but wrapped myself around too many lamposts!
thanks for the kind words ...
No wonder there are so many dented lamp posts around the city!
*runs away fast*
chet - as my dad used to say, where there's no sense, there's no feeling .... my greater fear is falling in the monsoon drain ...
... i only read in the car at traffic lights (two minutes exactly between lights at the bandar utama bridge) and in stop-go jams, you'll be glad to know ...
Waaah. I'm still trying to get through Sarah Waters's Fingersmith. Weather's too sunny for dark, Victorian styled hustling. hehehe...
btw, I visit your blog daily, and I just wanna say, keep up the good work! :)
thanks a lot siege - especially for staying in touch
sorry ron - didn't answer your question about the time difference. you are indeed two hours ahead.
you get the day when it's pretty much brand new
please do not fold down the corners
or crease the spine.
Well, my 'deblogging' didn't last long, Sharon. I think once you have a blog - whether it's a good or not - it's in your blood and it's there for life.
Just waiting for the domain name to re-propagate through the various ISPs. It should show up sometime in the next 48 hours.
Hope you're much better and those flu bugs have moved on.
yes i found it this morning, ron and was pleasantly surprised
it is so hard to stay away ... almost as addictive as reading!
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