Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Best Prices for Books

Want to find the cheapest copy of a particular book online? Check out BooksPrice which offers a price comparison service. Seen it before? Well, here's the clever twist:
Unlike the standard services which perform one comparison at a time, BooksPrice enables finding the best price on a purchase of several books, dvds and cds together. This service is more useful, and can save more money when buying several items together. BooksPrice.com allows searching for books, DVDs and CDs, adding them to a virtual cart and finally finding the best overall price for the total contents of the cart searching the best prices among the major online stores. We look for new and used items and ...
This could be the clincher:
... you may include the shipping cost to Malaysia in your price comparison!
I got this info in an e-mail from a lady called Lucy Orbach this morning.

(Methinks it could be time to start selling advertising space on my blog!)

Anyway, Lucy, we have no more money left to spend on books after the recent spate of warehouse sales!


Anonymous said...

Cool.. well found too :)

patlow said...

hi! TOS is back with a new collection of plays in tow! :)

it's called fiftynineminutes, and details can be found at www.theoralstage.blogspot.com

hope you can come watch us (again!)

p.s-no weird happy families and screaming gothic creatures, but it'll be a new set of...something else. heehhe


Anonymous said...

um.. weird happy creatures and screaming gothic families ? :)

bibliobibuli said...

omg - i'll put up my poster. sadly i will be in bali and miss it.

anon - you had to have seen their last play to get it