Bloggers are used to being on the border line of legitimacy. The medium is free. We don't have to struggle to be published. There's no editorial control. And this is the Wild West of writing.
Fortunately, our panelists were not lacking in credentials! Apart from yours truly, and Dina Zaman (she of the erstwhile and ever disappearing Gongkapas Times - the blog that got me writing), there was Jeremy Wagstaff, an Asian Wall Street Journal columnist, and novelist Shalini Akhil whom we coopted onto the panel after hearing her speak at an earlier session. The session was moderated by Deepika Shetty, also a mad keen blogger.

Jeremy Wagstaff writes the Loose Wire blog which is full of useful information about making technology work for you. During the festival, he also launched Loose Wire: Making the Technology Work for You which he describes as an accessible book you can read in the bath!
Shalini Akhil is an Australian of Fijian Indian heritage and has recently published her first novel, The Bollywood Beauty. She's also does stand uo comedy. We just had to include her when we heard she has two blogs and confesses to being "a bit of a nerd"! (When I mentioned the cyber cafe across the road, you should have seen her eyes light up!)

Since many in the audience were people who had thought of blogging but weren't sure of the technicalities of setting up a blog, we tackled that first - Jeremy giving a quick dummies guide to what blogs are and how to get started.
Deepika threw in some pretty interesting facts and statistics from her reading - this lady really researches! (Did you know that almost all the top 100 bloggers in the US are journalists or professional writers? Or that Technorati is now tracking over 50 million blogs?)
Deepika had some pretty good questions to throw our way, beginning with: how did you get started and what keeps you going? (I blogged about this a short while back.)
But the discussion got most interesting when we were talking about the position of bloggers vis-à-vis the print media, and whether the one was threatened by the other. We were able to talk about how bloggers not only draw from the print media (now increasingly online) but also in many cases feed back into it. (I gave the example of one of my posts being picked up by USA Today and another by the Guardian - could have given several more.) I also mentioned the fact that blogs fill a gap where there is little or no coverage of a topic in the print media. (How many pages are there for literary news in the local press?)
Deepika and I agreed that it is often frustrating to do an interview with a writer and get a ton of great material from it, but only have a few hundred words to squeeze it in to for more conventional media. Blogs give us the space we need to give our material (which we feel should be in the public domain) justice.
We also talked about privacy issues, problems with wierdos and stalkers ... and one issue we haven't talked about here, but both Dina and I are beginning to connect the dots ... Malay women bloggers suffering abuse and hacking from their (male) readers if they dare to step out of line in some way. (Under investigation - if you have a story to share, e-mail me in confidence.)
During the questions, someone asked how we'd feel if someone "stole" our writing from the blog. I realised (with something of a sense of shock) that this simply isn't an issue for me. I'm very happy if my writing gets picked up and quoted elsewhere - provided that I'm credited. I want my words out there. I want them to travel. (That's egotistical, but aren't all bloggers shameless self-promoters?) I've also realised that I'd rather write for my blog and post it here than I would sell my words to newspapers and magazines. That also has surprised me.
All of us on the panel that day were incredibly positive about blogging - an enthusiasm many in the audience (and we had quite a crowd) shared. And others who haven't yet dipped their toes in the water, I hope are inspired to try.
Interesting post on blogging and bloggers. In fact, these days, the best source for, say literary news, are the literary blogs like yours that act as superlative aggregators. I'm sure the same thing is happening for other areas.
agree entirely. the blogs are a very important source for news and information. the litblogs are the best source of info after the guardian and the n y times and the book pages of some of the other local papers. before this we were pretty much starved of literary news. another intersting thing is that previously we always looked to news from the west but litbloggers elsewhere are also important - i particularly love some of the indian litbloggers some of whom i came across via your blog - especeially kitabkhana and jabbeerwock
Have we gone from "Blogs will take over the newspapers" to "blogs will complement the newspapers" ?
"I'm very happy if my writing gets picked up and quoted elsewhere - provided that I'm credited."
Then you should be up in arms against paid media stealing stuff from your blog without credit.
I am glad that the Ubud Readers and Writers Festival had a panel discussion on blogs and bloggers.
I am also happy to read about your many positive (and one negative) views about blogging in Malaysia.
Blogging is here to stay and in a way leveled the playing field for all writers- established ones and wannabes.
One feature of blogging which you have not mentioned is that it is interactive. A printed media is not. An author of a printed article may not know what their readers are thinking unless it had stirred up a storm.
thanks alex. i did mention the interactive aspect of blogging in the panel - just didn't write it here. i love the way that blogs also become shaped by their readers - this one certainly has. i learn all the time from the folks who drop by and leave comments.
i could have waxed on by myself for the full hour about what makes blogging an amazing medium!
Blogs - the great levelling field, transforming a lot of things into dinosaurs at a theatre near you.
As for stalkers, tell me about it! (Long story lah)
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