Lydia just dropped me a note in the comments to ask why Malaysia is not listed in the countries from which writers are eligible to take part? Is it just an embarrassing oversight on the part of the organising committee, or has Malaysia just dropped off the map of Asia ... or do they think Malaysians are so hopeless there's really no point asking us?? I've sent an e-mail to ask.
Another Postscript:
Dear Ms. Bakar:Related Posts
Of course entries from Malaysia are eligible and welcome. What you caught was an error that apparently arose when converting documents from one format to another. Thank you very much indeed for bringing it to our attention. It has been corrected.
Peter Gordon
Man Asian Literary Prize
New Prize for Asian Writers (19/10/06)
Looking for Local Voices (25/9/06)
Sounds like great news for Asian NaNoWriMoers in particular. The minimum words they need seem to only be 30000 and the closing date is March 2007.
A writer could write (and hopefully finish) his novel in November, clean it up in the following months leading up to March, then submit and cross fingers. Hard but feasible.
dickens wrote a christmas carol in 3 weeks and didn't revise. so perhaps it is possible.
Sharon, your second link is not working. And Malaysia is not in the list of countries considered!! How can?! Is there an oversight or what?
thanks lydia - i've fixed the link. and you are quite right - malaysia does not appear on the list!!! i wrote a much sarcastic email just to the organisers asking if malaysia was still in asia!
will let you know
Sharon, thank you! I've blogged about it :) Maybe it's just an error of omission on the part of the typist.
Not just Malaysia, but Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgistan and a whole bunch of other -stans don't make it into Asia.
Did we become part of Australia or something?
But I'm sure it's just slight oversight. And hopefully will be rectified once they read Sharon's email.
And Malaysia being "Truly Asia" hahaha!!!
Sympozium, Replace "s" in "Truly Asia" with "rab". What do you get?
Animah: hahahaha!!! Or "Malaysia, Truly ASS-IA"
Still glowering from reading about Rushdie's ban.
Re postscript: thaaaaaat's right, blame computer glitches hahaha! Never heard of something called 'proof-reading'.
and the amendment hasn't been made yet either!
Perhaps they lack MAN-power haha!
Sharon, thanks! That response was fast, but apparently correcting the error doesn't work at the same speed.
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