Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Blooking Hell!

I blogged. Someone read it. Someone else read it. Someone else passed it on. The political bloggers linked to me and the world went mad. I blogged some more. Someone read it. Someone liked it. Someone passed it on. A publisher e-mailed me. A book was mentioned. Money was mentioned. I tucked my skirt into my knickers, said "Ok then" and looked for hidden cameras.
The Sunday Times reports how Judith O'Reilly started her blog, Wife in the North, following a move to Northumberland with her family, and how she was discovered by Viking Penguin and offered a lucrative publishing contract. 'Tis the stuff of dreams!

And I particularly like this:
My book deal isn't so much about money, it is more to do with the fact that blogging is a force to be reckoned with. Ultimately blogging is people willing to commit time, effort and emotion. How cool is that?


VictorTan said...

Congrats on you getting the book contract. It is true that blog is a up and coming trend. Can't believe I actually caught on to it. Actually I just started another site for my storyblog...check it out when you're free =)

boo_licious said...

Gosh, that's so inspiring! Now I wish someone will offer me a book deal too. Thxs for highlighting this Sharon.

bibliobibuli said...

congrats not to me, victortan! i wish!! will drop by ...

boo - if i had money i wouldn't hestitate to publish you!!! but seriously, if you can get a book proposal together why not start looking for a local publisher. i would want a book of your blog.

Rob said...

Of course, the fact that Judith O'Reilly was once education correspondent for the Sunday Times might have helped...

bibliobibuli said...

rob - you're right of course. (and hey, technorati tells me i'm a much more linked to blog ... give me lots of lovely dosh someone and i'll write you a book!)

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want to tuck their skirt into their knickers ? or is that a British thing ? :)