Yang-May Ooi is starting a a new series about self-publishing on her writing and arts blog Fusion View, which you might find interesting. She writes:
Starting on Tuesday 10 July over four consecutive days, I will be posting up my interviews with three self-published authors and a book publishing insider on what it takes to self-publish your novel and act as publisher, sales director and publicist to get your product out to the great reading public. This project is in conjunction with Mslexia, the quarterly journal for women writers - Mslexia is publishing my article on The Writer as Entrepreneur in this month's issue of the magazine and in an innovative initiative, they - and my interviewees - have agreed to my making my research for that article available online at Fusion View.
Also, are you an "enterprising writer"? Have you worked hard to self-publish, market and sell your book? Or perhaps you've been published the traditional way but you've gone beyond the call of duty to market your book? On Tuesday, I will be inviting submissions from Enterprising Writers to share your story on Fusion View - come back on Tuesday to find out more!
I hope you'll enjoy the project!
I'm trying hard to be an enterprising writer. Hence my new FAVOURITE TALES COMPETITION at my blog. I'm giving away MPH vouchers as prizes.
Hope you don't mind me publicising it here. Cheers! :)
on the contrary halim, many thanks and should highlight this myself.
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