(I sent the carpenter back to make more shelves though, as the gap between is a bit too big and why waste space?)
The ever-growing library needs more room and I've colonised this space upstairs. This will house my fiction, and I'm going to turn it into a cosy reading corner. There are bookshelves also in the lounge, Abu's den, the kitchen, and my workroom ... and books just about everywhere else including the loo.
Happy for you! Look forward to "after" pictures when they've been filled with books.
Ohhh Sharon.... I am green with envy!
I just moved in like I told you over the phone and I've been dreaming of filling up my house with books instead of furnitures. I'll use up walls to make shelves and I can laze around with books everywhere.I've even thought of having a shelf for the loo. Heavenly! Not sure if Ammar approves but what the hell...:-)
jealous! very jealous!!
there's space for another bookcase along that wall, isn't there? hmmmm
yup - sure looks like there's space. Let me know if you want an extra pair of hands, eyes when you get down to arranging the books.
Sharon, will you be doing an A to Z, or shelving them according to size? Form or function?
since this space is where i'll put my fiction it will be alphabetical order . not just because i'm a control freak, but because i often need to find a book quickly. so your books will live here too, halim! think they will be happy??
(and are you an alphabetical arranger too??)
jawakistani - who needs furniture?
Custom-made shelves :)
Have your books ever go yellow from putting them in shelves in the open like that?
yes! it's awful. but i can't afford nice glass-fronted bookcases
What are you talking about, you just PAID a carpenter to MAKE shelves for you :) Most of us just buy shelves from Ikea or Carrefour or whatever :)
PS. Glass fronts are silly, they have to be slid back when you need access, and they break. The best thing would be to have wall-to-wall bookshelves, preferably with a crest on top :)
actually these are cheapy shelves anon but strong enough not to warp. i've had a bad experience with saggy ikea shelves ... actually bad experiences with a lot of ikea furniture.
i will bear in mind the crest.
IKEA stuff only look good in the catalog. Only the smaller items are of better quality.
I had custom-made shelves for my widdle ... sorry, I mean little apartment, and frosted glass fronts, which may be a mistake as they only allow half of a shelf to be opened at a time.
The actual shelving inside is height adjustable.
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