The photo was taken on a less grand occasion. It was Malay College Speech Day 1986. After all the speeches, the staff lined up in the corridor to meet him. I was so proud to have shaken the hand of such a great man.
Wish all Malaysians, here and overseas, a very happy Merdeka.
I read a previous post (2006) on writing as a form of healing. I wanted to thank you for the links and the inspiration. I'll be writing more on this myself in my blog. I hope you'll check it out.
thanks so much, satia. will for sure check out your blog.
wow, sharon. tunku, too, must have been thrilled to shake the hand of "one hot mama!" ;)
happy merdeka!
Wow, Sharon. You should write about your experiences since you came to Malaysia and now that you are one of us. You must have many a tales to tell....
Whoa, you knew tunku! The only person I nearly shook hands with was Jacky Chan and he walked past me so fast. :(
wow, too cool for school!
Sharon, ur a hottie!!!
yummy mummy!
sharon, this is beautiful. the last few months I spent so much time interviewing people who knew Tunku personally - and of course Freddie - danced the ronggeng with Tunku after the celebrations. Anyway, yesterday we had a beautiful merdeka eve celebration with Fred Lees, Marie, Peggy Taylor, Jean dn Barry Floyd! We even had a small malaysian flag. such a wonderful time..listening to fred talking abt his days a young colonial officer - abt merdeka, days leading up to merdeka.
Jean, if you are reading this - we must meet up again soon!
Happy Merdeka to all readers of Sharon.
Wah Sharon, so young and svelte huh? You must have made the old man's day! :)
How about a few more (frontal) shots of the days of yore? This one's got my motor running.I
anon - no-one ever said things like that to me at the time! where were you???
laughing at your comments, all!
kak teh - sounds like the perfect way to spend the day
very nice kebaya sharon...:-)
I need some lessons in English. Shouldn't it be Tunku and I and not Tunku and me? Forgive my curiosity. By the way, you are looking very resplendent in the kebaya. I second the suggestion for more frontal pictures of you.
Penanak Nasik
well spotted penanak nasi. if you are being grammatically correct it should indeed by "tunku and i". but actually UK speaker speakers don't say that in spoken english because it sounds somewhat stuffy and formal! (the "rule" was taken by some victorian grammarian from latin or greek anyway) the "mistake" was a deliberate one.
no-one liked my kebaya at the time, y'know. they said the batik i chose was really for a man's shirt and were a bit sniffy that i'd chosen cotton when synthetics were considered far more glam. i bought the material in penang - still remember going shopping for it.
American's say "and me" too... especially the kids :)Actually yes, how many times have you heard someone say "you and me" instead of "you and I" ? :)
aaa..such a confusing languange. The grammarian should be shot. How then to determine when to use the pronoun "i" and when to use "me"? If there is a preposition the pronoun "me" should be used. For example "It's between you and me" not "its between you and i". But what are other rules to use the pronouns. Care to deliberate further for someone less agile in English like i am (or is it "me"?)
Penanak Nasik
P.S: I am a confused person and need the grammar police to teach me a lesson. *wink*
hi, i'm making a research paper about the life and teachings of a nationalist leader and tunku abdul rahman was assigned to me. can you pls help know him more since i'm not from malaysia? if you could email some of his important or famous literary works and teachings... (loumae@gmail.com) thank you very much...
i'm not at all the best person to ask, lourdes. can anyone else help???
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