Friday, November 02, 2007

Bukus on the Cheap

Does your book supply need replenishing cheaply? This weekend might be a good time to stock up!

And if that is not enough, there's a Penguin and Pearson warehouse sale 16-21st November. (Thanks Synical for sending me the link to the ShoppingNSales blog.)

I've got an invite to the preview .... but I'm not supposed to be buying anymore books, am I? Well am I??


Anonymous said...

now that i have the time to go for book sales, i have only one arm and cant browse!


Alice said...

Thanks for the heads up, Sharon. I'm going, I'm going! I haven't finished the books I bought during the various warehouse sales (Times, MPH, etc etc) but I think I will still go and load up...

Anonymous said...

Of course you are. If nothing else, it helps the economy prosper, yeah, that's the excuse.