Better late than never, as RuhayatX says :
Aweks KL is a collection of new writing in Malay, done mostly by Malay women in Malaysia (because we simply didn't get enough submissions to make it an all-female book). The short stories and poems permit us the slightest of peeks into the mind of the modern Malay woman which, like the forbidden glimpse of a thigh, has been hitherto consigned to the backrooms of society as it is with children, to be only seen and not heard.
You can get copies (complete with controversial cover of lady wearing angel wings which made the National Library declare they couldn't buy it for their branches) at the KL Bookfair at the GerakBudaya stand, and of course it will also be available from
Silverfish Books.
Congrats RX!!!
Thanks, Sharon & Animah. According to Irman, it's sold almost 100 copies already in the first week. Phew. Maybe I'll get some money back this time.
Over Rm3000 a week, not bad :)
boommmm KL!!..
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