... of great intimacy, but no domesticity ...Kunal had a small but very tuned in audience and it was certainly one of the liveliest Breakfast clubs that I have been to with no-one being shy to ask questions.
He talked (among other things) about how he is :
... driven by the strange ...when he writes; about where his inspiration comes from :
I think I have a chemical imbalance in the brain ... stories germinate in my mind ...whether he finds it easier to write short stories or novels :
... both require the same emotional passion ...who he writes for :
I write to please myself and hope this will please othersand whether he has writing rituals :
I write fiction longhand and non-fiction on the computer, and I write fiction at home, and non-fiction at Oxford (where he a Professor of Marketing) ...

Aparna ready with The Japanese Wife
I have more posts to come on Kunal, so stay tuned!
Hi, Sharon. Can't help but to point out that I saw you carrying Japanese Wife around IPBA the other day *doesn't it feel good to have a stalker around? haha*
Anyway, I was thrilled to see that you read Kunal Basu too.. can't wait to hear more about him from you :)
i am typing up my interview notes and transcribing a tape at the moment. my piece will be out in "off the edge" but i'll post some shorter snippets here.
i have no problem with stalkers who are also readers!
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