Malaysia's dynamic get-rich guru, Azizi Ali, has now turned his attention to writing fiction. In the New Straits Times today he tells Intan Maizura Ahmad Kamal about his first novel, Ekuinoks (which translates of course as Equinox) is a mystery thriller a la Tom Clancy and John Grisham. The novel was launched on Aug 22 at MPH MidValley in KL and is now available at all major bookstores and also from Azizi's website.
An interesting aside - Azizi says that when he started to start writing, he enrolled in a distance learning writing class, and I wonder which one. There are some very good internet based courses - something I've been meaning to write about and should get round to.
An interesting aside - Azizi says that when he started to start writing, he enrolled in a distance learning writing class, and I wonder which one. There are some very good internet based courses - something I've been meaning to write about and should get round to.
A la Tom Clancy? Really ahh? That good? emmm..
Well, one sincerely hopes it aspires to "Hunt For Red October", "Clear & Present Danger or "Sum Of All Fears" Tom Clancy (gripping techno thrillers), rather than any of his output from "Executive Orders" onwards (neo-Conservative Right Wing bullshit masquerading as gripping techno thrillers).
I am however, a tad worried about the statement that 8 months to write a book is ..... “Too long!” he exclaims. “My books on finance only take 30-40 days to write. I guess with those books, I already had a system in place. Ekuinoks is my first fiction novel, so I don’t quite have one yet. The next one will be faster!”
But any Malaysian writer willing to venture into the thriller genre has my full support. There's too few of them about.
It's nothing to do with Tom Clancy at all. You can read the synopsis here: http://www.mph.com.my/search/nsearch.cfm?do=detail&pcode=983336456X
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