And the kids who will benefit are undoubtedly those need it most.
This is the blurb from the Facebook group :
You can find the library at BG-6 Happy Mansions, Jalan 17/13, Petaling Jaya, 46400 Selangor, Malaysia (016-328 1513 info@dramprojects.com)The Dram Projects Reading Room is a place where children can discover, nurture and indulge their love for books and reading. TDP firmly believes that children should be allowed to make their own reading choices and be offered a wide variety of reading material. Taking into consideration the high price of books, our reading room hopes to offer an alternative to public and school libraries, and reading in bookshops.
Comprising over a thousand books (and growing], our collection covers fiction and non-fiction titles, including picture books and reference material. Although the bulk of our books are for children and young adults, we also have a small but good selection of books for mature readers. Aside from providing a place where children are free to choose what they want to read, The Dram Projects Reading Room organises regular reading activities for children and young adults, like storytelling sessions and book groups.
And do go visit the blog.
That sounds like a wonderful idea :)
I enjoy the food at the restaurant downstairs. It's called The Food Foundry. Check it out!
Classic. A reading room for poor people above a resturant for rich people :)
Yea, they can read at the room, and then when they're hungry they can go downstairs and see what they can't afford to eat. Reading Room should donate some food, maybe the leftover ones at the end of the day :)
The prices at the Food Foundry are reasonable. And it's not downstairs from the reading room, but next door. They're both on the ground floor.
restaurant for rich people? talking through your bum m'dear.
Sorry, but did you really think someone who couldn't afford a book would find paying Rm14 for a sandwich reasonable? :P
A sandwich and a cup of coffee would cost about 18.50 a day. That's Rm555 a month, for only one meal a day. Three meals a day would cost, what, about Rm1200 a month? That's "reasonable" ?
Prices are from here :
OTOH if a writer can afford Rm1200 just for food, I guess that puts the lie to Janet Tay's statement that you can't make money from writing. :)
Just stop moaning. There's a place for people to read and to obtain books, and Daphne actually made her idea real. Congratulations to her, and may it grow from strength to strength.
- Poppadumdum
I'm actually curious as to who would consider a sandwich and a cup of coffee at 18.50 in a run-down highrise area as "reasonable".
Every time you drive (or perhaps bus) your kids there (are there even buses?) you're faced with evidence of your failure to adequately provide for your kids.
Then parents shouldn't have kids if they can't adequately provide for them, or give them a good launching pad to leap into life.
Anonymous, I'm going to take the liberty of quoting Poppadumdum without their permission: JUST STOP MOANING. I think it's really good advice. And if you can't stop, at least just keep it down for a little while so that we have the space to congratulate Daphne on the success of a great idea. Everyone has great ideas. Not everyone puts in the time to make them happen. Congrats, Daphne! I have many friends with young kids and I KNOW that an alternative to Saturdays at the shopping mall will be much appreciated. There aren't that many safe, clean, fun places in KL/PJ where kids can spend a day without being bombarded by consumerist messages. I hope more people come up with things like this.
Can't afford to eat at the Food Foundry, Anonymous? Then don't eat there. But your calculations seem to assume that a restaurant is only reasonable if one can eat there three times a day, EVERY DAY. Never mind being able to afford that, I'd be bored out of my skull. Why would I want to eat at the same place three times a day?!? "Reasonable" to me means a fair price for what you're getting: food, service, and atmosphere included. Of course the corner mamak stall is cheaper. That's not the point. I like the fact that there are restaurants I wouldn't be able to afford EVERY DAY, but that I can visit once in a while when I feel like it. On those few occasions, I do feel that what I'm paying is "reasonable."
-- Preeta
You're free to quote from me, Preeta! :-)))
Yeah, stop moaning!!! I respect Daphne for realising her dream, and doing a social service in the process too. It's hard to find the IDEAL location for a book-venue, or any business, and I'm sure Daphne did her best to scout around.
So, instead of viewing the idea of having an 'oh-so-expensive' cafe near the bookroom, see it in this way: perhaps the 'oh-so-rich' patrons of the cafe will pop in, see what a great idea the book room is, and donate their books and their money, and tell their fiends about it. Maybe Daphne is smarter than the nay-sayers think! :-) Having it near a food centre is great! Think of the trade-traffic!
So, one more time, Daphne: You're doing a GREAT JOB, and I wish you the most amazing success and joy.
- Poppadumdum
One more thing - those "oh-so-rich" patrons will hopefully bring their kids to Daphne's reading room, in addition to telling their "fiends" (quoting Poppadumdum 100%).
last time i looked there were plenty of other (cheap) eateries around anyway. this guy is just attention seeking. if he can't moan about one thing he'll moan about another because he is in love with negativity.
Congratulations daphne for making your dream come true. I visualise many young dreams starting here.
I wish I had some fiends of my own!
-- Preeta
Aaargh! "Fiends"!! Sorry! :-) Malu-lah!
- Poppadumdum
Hahahaha! Obviously, we knew what you meant :-) . We're just taking the piss.
-- Preeta
Are anonymice fiends?
You're fiendish! :-)))
- Poppadumdum
The Reading Room is being renovated now. I wonder if this is because you called the place "run-down" :)
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