Thursday, January 22, 2009

Burgess Foundation Comes to KL

Following the success of our Time for a Tiger : Remembering Burgess event and Rob Spence's visit last January :
The International Anthony Burgess Foundation will hold its 3rd Symposium in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 27th-30th July, 2009. The theme of the conference is Conflict, Dialogue and Resolution in Burgess’s work. It is expected that Burgess scholars from Britain, America, Australia and Malaysia will take part in the event. An internationally renowned keynote speaker is being sought for the event, possibly drawn from the Foundation’s honorary patrons, who include Umberto Eco, A.S. Byatt, David Lodge and William Boyd.

Anthony Burgess (1917-1993) was an English novelist, critic, composer, playwright and dramatist, most famous for the novel A Clockwork Orange. His first novels arose out of his experience in Malaysia in the fifties. The IABF was founded by Burgess’s widow, Liana, the Contessa Pasi della Pergola, to provide a focus for the academic study of Burgess’s work. It has a base in Manchester, publishes a newsletter, and organises events relating to Burgess’s work. Its mission is to encourage and support public and scholarly interest in all aspects of Anthony Burgess's life and works

The symposium will feature a visit to Malay College at Kuala Kangsar* where Burgess taught, and other events.

For further information please contact the Foundation’s Director, Alan Roughley at
If anyone locally is able to sponsor the event in any way, or have ideas for good things we might do around the sympozium, please do get in touch with me : sharonbakar at yahoo dot com.

I also want to spread the word to all the academics out there who might be interested, so perhaps some of you (and I know some lecturers and students drop by here sometimes) could pass this message on?

I'm coordinating things locally, and have a couple of volunteers lined up to help me when things get busy. I will keep you informed of developments.

(This has yet to be finalised and permissions sought, but I'm sure will be possible - especially when and old girl of the school is organising this!)


Martin Bradley said...

If there is anything I can do to assist...............

Cucumber sandwiches at my gazebo?

bibliobibuli said...

thanks for the offer and yes will add thee to my list. anyway come to KK with us!

Anonymous said...

Burgess 'scholars'? 'The Malayan Trilogy' is good stuff, but as for the rest of pacem requiescat!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's right, Anon. You don't get it, so you piss on it.

If I were as stupid as you, I'd keep quiet. But then you risk nothing by being anonymous, do you?


Anonymous said...

That wasn't me BTW. People keep ruining the good name of Anonymous, but eh, what can ya do.