Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Author in Her Habitat

I did everything but write in that room ... I paid bills. I printed things out. I sent faxes. I was connected to the Internet. ... The assumption is that writers can write wherever they can sit down ... But the main thing you need as a writer is a sense of certainty that you won’t be interrupted.
Novelist Roxana Robinson, talks about her personal writing space in The New York Times, and explains why she abandoned her book-lined study for a more austere working environment.

And she isn't alone, she says, in seeking a space away from distractions. As she points out :
Raymond Carver ... claimed that he wrote his short stories in the front seat of his car. Ernest Hemingway holed up above a sawmill in Paris. When the essayist Annie Dillard wrote in a college library, she found the comings and goings in the parking lot outside her window so distracting that she drew a sketch of it, closed the Venetian blinds, and taped the sketch onto the blinds.
Many more writers' room at The Guardian.


Eggy said...

yeah complete isolation.

but who's going to feed us?

Elizabeth said...

I love reading about writing spaces.

I used to write in my library - I have this antique looking table, and to see it surrounded by rows of books ... ahh ... indeed, it was the "perfect" writer's room ... until I started sneezing because of the dust in it. Ah, allergies.

Now I write in my more spartan study - sans books.