Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Asian Short Stories

From Professor Quayum :

Asian and Asian diasporic writers, new or established, are invited to send short stories in English for a volume of NEW ASIAN SHORT STORIES to be published by Marshall Cavendish (Malaysia). The book will be edited by Prof. Mohammad A. Quayum whose details are given below. We invite short stories not exceeding 6000 words and NOT published or submitted for publication elsewhere to be submitted to the editor electronically at, by 15 February 2010. The book will be released in September 2010, and all successful contributors will be sent a complimentary copy of the book upon publication.

About the Editor

Mohammad A. Quayum has taught at universities in Singapore, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and the US, and is currently professor of English at International Islamic University Malaysia. He is the author or editor of nineteen books (published by Penguin, Pearson Education, Peter Lang, Prentice-Hall, Marshall Cavendish etc), and his scholarly articles have appeared in distinguished literary journals in the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Singapore, Taiwan, India, and Malaysia.

Please circulate this information to any writer in English of Asian origin you know.


Ida Hariati Hashim said...

Thank you for sharing this, Sharon..:-)

Richard said...

Sure this is the real McCoy? I haven't found any websites about this.

Yezzie Yas said...

Are we allowed to send more than one short stories to the editor? (Like short stories that come in sequels or parts like 'Part 2' and so on...?)

bibliobibuli said...

Richard - yes i have the info from the editor who asked me to pass the word 'cos i can reach a v large network of interested people.

Yezzie - you can of course send in more than one short story but when you start calling them part 2 etc then really you are indicating they are part of a longer work and therefore not short stories. in other words, they should stand alone.

do note though, guys, that Asian writers from around the world have been invited - not just malaysians - i think this will push the standard high.

my own question is - what counts as asian. do the writing mat salleh's here qualify??

Unknown said...

Sharon, perfect! Had been looking for something to set my eyes on to write for and now this is it! 6000 words is a lot but have been wanting to piece together the little stories on being alone and moving countries etc...
Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...


I would think it'd be terribly unfair if the writing mat salleh's in Malaysia don't qualify ... we're so used to thinking of Asian as referring to ethnicity when really we are using ethnicity to proxy for a certain culture/mindset/characteristic that has nothing to do with skin color and more to do with place of belonging.

So point is, anyone who belongs to Asia, wherever they were born and whatever color they be, should be Asian.

*gets off soapbox*


Aggrophobia said...

Does this exclude anyone who is not of Asian race?

Anonymous said...

One question, do chosen writers get to keep their copyright? Coz Marshall Cavendish usually takes away the copyright. Tks.

Anonymous said...

Anon --

Malaysian copyright law states that for anything that is commissioned, copyright will rest with the commissioner (which will be MC in this case.) So legally you lose copyright if someone asks you for it, and you sell or give it.

If you write it and offer it, and someone buys it, you keep the copyright.

Anonymous said...

Will authors share in the profits?

Trương said...

Thanks. I'll be sending my stories from Vietnam. Yes I expect some profit if the book generates it.

Epiphanic moments.. said...

Hello Sharon,
I just came to know about this and I`m very interested in sending in an entry. However it is way past the deadline. I was wondering if you are still accepting entries for the same or is there any other oppurtunity for me to send in my stories.
I`ll be grateful if you could send me some info at
Thanks a TON!

Unknown said...

Is the offer still open to submit short stories / articles of interest of app 6500 words to 600 words.
do inform -

bibliobibuli said...

go back and read this post slowly and carefully and you will find all the answers you need. (this is always good advice with any call for submission and a necessary skill for anyone who wants to be published).