Tuesday, November 02, 2004


First day of Nanowrimo and the idiocy thus engendered. Kept waking up in the night, itching to get started. Why do I need sleep?

Early dawn with first cup of tea in hand, reality set in. I haven't a plot worked out! I was sitting down to write this bloody novel and knew I had to get at least 1,667 words under my belt before I could even check my e-mail or speak to my husband (my own rules!) and I hadn't a clue where to start. Had thought vaguely of setting (the city where I live five years hence)and had one or two characters who had appeared in writing excercises I thought might make an appearance. But no plot.

And this morning the inner critic, whose voice I know, oh so well, whispered cruel words in my ear. You're not going to do this, are you? You should have prepared, made copious notes like everyone else ... but oh no, you thought you could just wing it.

The I began to panic, searching through all the half abandoned stories in my drawer, looking for something I worked on before that might give me a sense of direction. Found a story I'd abandoned after a couple of pages 'cos I couldn't work out where it was going (plot is not a strong point with me!) and requisitioned the main character to kick off my novel. Let her strut around for a while, and then another couple of women insinuated themselves onto the page. (How I'm ever going to bring these characters together though, I haven't a clue yet.) But ... well what do you know, it's moving! Clumsily and slowly, but moving forward. Finally got to 1998 words and am calling it a day for today.

Just trust in the process and all will be okay. (Till the doubts set in again tomorrow.)

I've written three percent of my novel!!


Chet said...

I started on the dot of midnight and wrote 1,764 words in about 45 minutes.

I think that'll be my ritual from now on for all the NaNos I'll be doing

bibliobibuli said...

I think it's a ritual I may well steal for myself!!!! At least you begin by being psychologically ahead, and then you just surf along in front of the 1,667 words per day.

I wonder whether there is actually a bit more fun in finishing the whole thing at the last minute too?