It lead us to chat about sperm banks and genetics and how cows are artificially inseminated (thanks Gene Girl for the scientific imput and for raising the tone of the discussion) and whether Oswald's scenario was every woman's fantasy as well as every man's (thanks Jessica and Kumar for lowering it again).![]()
"Well, wouldn't you do Einstein if you had the chance?" was put to the vote and proved that women will try to optimize the biological advantages for their offspring.
I told them about a very good book I'd read on the subject: Sperm Wars by Robin Baker.
Among the fun stuff Baker says: 10 per cent of children are not fathered by their "fathers", less than 1 per cent off a man's sperm is capable of fertilizing anything - the rest is there to fight off other men's sperm, "smart" vaginal mucus encourages some sperm but blocks others, and a woman is far more likely to conceive through a casual fling than through sex with her regular partner.
See? And you thought we bookish types were boring!![]()
Our book club is now at optimum size - we have around 10-12 keen people turn up usually and we're all comfortable with each other.
Fiona Wan joined us a few months ago to see how such a group works and has now set up her own group which has its first meeting tomorrow night. She's looking for members, so if you live in the KL area and have always wanted to talk books and make new friends along the way, contact her at or through her Yahoo group.
I'd do Einstein without batting an eyelid - all in the name of science and experiments yadda, yadda, yadda...
What stunned me the most was actually how our views on what was immoral and not were also really very different :)
Sham - blame it on the biological imperative!
Thanks Sharon for the preview.
All are welcome for the next book meeting(it's this Saturday):
Travelogues on Africa
Date: September 17th , 2005 (Sat)
Time: 12 noon
Venue: La Bodega Lounge, Bangsar Baru
My contact 012 324 1217
See you there!
"Among the fun stuff Baker says: 10 per cent of children are not fathered by their "fathers", less than 1 per cent off a man's sperm is capable of fertilizing anything - the rest is there to fight off other men's sperm, "smart" vaginal mucus encourages some sperm but blocks others, and a woman is far more likely to conceive through a casual fling than through sex with her regular partner."
Makes you wonder doesn't it ? who IS your father actually ? they've got a word for someone like that, haven't they ? cuckold.. that's what he's called. You bring up some other man's child. It makes you wonder, whose child _are_ you ? who was your real father ? might have been anyone.
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