There is a slight amendment to the dates though - I will be in Bali late September - early October at the Ubud Readers and Writers Festival - so the final session will be on October 10.
I'm really happy about British Council giving my course a home and promoting it for me. They were happy with the feedback from the last course I taught there, which really was fun.
I plan to launch further courses beginning September and have lots of schemes and plans buzzing round in my head but need to sit down and get the actual planning done and the scheduling worked out. Watch this space!
That must be Yong Shin's hand. Glad I did the first BC one, know what I mean;). All the best!
yes, we talked about a poetry reading course ... i'd really love to do that soon
in fact i'd like to do a short story reading course too
sympozium - thanks!
lydia - yong shin's arm indeed! nice picture, isn't it?
Good grief.. you can be that thin and still live ? :)
Dear Sharon,
Wish I could join, but am overseas. It would be lovely if you could conduct an online course one day.
Cheers !!
Dear Sharon,
I'd like to sign up for the course but I must register in person and I'm going outstation tomorrow for a few days. With a 12-person limit, I'm afraid that there won't be any places left by the time I get back! Help!!!
Seriously, is the next workshop (did you mention planning another one a little later?) confirmed?
mah - contact me by e-mail and we'll see what i can work out
yes, i will be running the course again later in the year, but there are other more advanced workshops i want to move on to first ...
Hi Sharon, wrote you an email of enquiry about the course, concerning the time and maghrib prayers. Am really keen to join the course. Let me know if you need me to resend the email...Cheers, Zarina
hi zarina - sorry, didn't get your e-mail, can you resend? (i've missed quite a few e-mails and wonder what is happening with streamyx)
i do sometimes have participants coming a little bit late to the class because of prayers ... if i know they are going to be a little bit later i usually kick off with a short fun activity so even if there's a latecomer, they won't miss the meat of the session ... and then extent a few minutes after the class
with the british council session it's a bit more problematic since i don't have that leeway because I have to begin at 7 and finish by 9 when the council closes
i'm not sure if there is a prayer room but will check and get back to you. but do please drop me a line again.
Dear Sharon,
I sent a message via the yahoo messenger in response to your reply about registration for the creative writing workshop. I couldn't see your email address. Hope you saw it.
I'm returning to KL tonight and the earliest I can go to the BCL to register myself would be Sat (tomorrow morning). I hope there are places left!
Hi Sharon, forwarded that email to sbakar at streamyx dot com...hope you get it and I hope to be part of the creative writing class! Zarina
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