Taking up once again the theme of internet presence and the necessity thereof for writers, Malaysian novelist Tash Aw now has a really whizzy author-website which requires a flash down-load to view. Very impressive!
You can of course see Tash at the end of March at the KL Literary Festival where he will be running two workshops for writers. Am looking forward to catching up with him again.
Why would a writer use Flash in his website?
to be flashy of course
you don't like? 'tis an example of bells and whistles ...
hayo. puts mine to shame, what with me and my rusa boyfriend on the blog...
v flashy and nice!
Yes, flashy, but ultimately useless. After all, visitors to his site are not interested in his design sense, or in flashy explosions - he's a writer, not a movie maker or a designer...
And what about people with dial-up?
sharon, I do hope to be able to meet him when I go to the KL Festival, and of course am looking forward to meeting up with you again. Re: yr comment in Tunku's blog...my current entry has jottings and snatches of conversations of people I meet along the way.
Yes, dammit, it IS a gorgeous website! :-)
Style 3, Substance 1. Even the literati are not immune. Tune in to pointless semi-finals next week, where outcome of the eventual winner is never in doubt.
Lovely, Aw!
It's just another way for an artistic person to express himself, what.
I loved the foreign covers and 'translated' titles. You know someone has really made it when you get prettily produced translated versions of his book.
But there's nothing in it! You'd visit the site once and say how pretty and never go back. It's so obviously just a publicity gimick. What does it say about Tash Aw the person? Nothing. I want to know the author, his views, why he writes, the colour of his toothbrush. If he's been on the BBC, why are there no links or reproductions of his broadcast?
Lil Ms d, I haven't seen your new site, but your gongkapas site was riveting.
Yeah-lah, nothing much in the website. I hope he's not as reticent during his workshop in March. I've just signed up for it. Will you be there as "staff" or participant, Sharon?
colour of his toothbrush???
oh i said to raman i'd help out, of course, but i still paid up my fifty bucks
You mean you're not dying to know the colour of Tash's toothbrush?
*sniff* there are just some things you don't need to know about an author
One success and he's running two workshops already ? :D
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