Friday, July 27, 2007

Now Where Was I?

Just in case you were wondering ...

Student teachers and their lecturers (my intrepid co-travellers!) in one of the two schools I visited (as an external moderator for a British College).

Their pupils (mainly Malay but also Batek from Taman Negara). Some of the children come by boat from villages several hours up the Tahan River. Could have stolen one or two of the cutest ones!

School canteen breakfast somewhere in Kuala Tahan!


The job has its compensations. Another was a river trip yesterday afternoon very kindly organised by the headmaster of another school ...

Taken very shortly before we all got drenched to the skin after all the water fights and a stop at a waterfall.

Now we have plans to make an expedition right to the end of the river, visiting schools on the way.

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