Pay Less are having one of their amazing warehouse sales:

Someone told me that BookXcess in Ampcorp Mall have moved to a larger shoplot, but I haven't been there to check it out.
The hypermarkets did piss me off the other day, but I'm glad that Tesco is selling remaindered Penguin Classics along with the frozen peas. Jordan wrote to tell me that he had picked up some great bargains at the Kajang store including James Joyce for RM6 which is a steal. (Loss leaders again??)
MPH has very generous discounts at the moment for their Merdeka Sale with up to 20% off selected titles and 15% off all books. (I just bought Michael Chabon's The Yiddish Policeman's Union in a beautiful hardback edition for for around RM55 after discount!)

All of these sales I have heard about from friends, through rumours, or by going to the store. Not via email from the booksellers.
You look like you own the place, Sharon. And it's a nice shot, stop being so harsh on yourself.
The latest Silverfishbooks e-newsletter announced that the shop has received a notice to vacate and has to find a new home in the next 6 months.
ohhh thanks for telling me that chet (re. silverfish not the pic)
wahliao... so fast you discovered the blog (did you google your name? hehehe). It hasn't even been approved by the marketing superiors... I'm just tinkering about with templates and content before proposing it to them. Better not link yet haha...
PS: Nice to see you at litbloggers btw! Would love to learn more about what you read and write ^_^
big bookstore sales is not over yet? :D
if that's true i'm so popping in this sunday!!
Yah, I think a trip to Big Bookstore is in the books for me.
blookstore - i think it's a great idea and a fantastic promotional tool. and overseas online bookstores have their blogs eg. abebooks, powells
btw i found it through technorati which tells me who has linked
nyx - it never really went away. for a while the big space they used was closed up and the sale books upstairs in the shop, but now they are back downstairs again. it's terrifyingly convenient for me as i take my car there to be washed ...
Downstairs as in the actual bookshop?
chet the actual bookshop is upstairs. haven't you ever been there? then there is the larger area (ex parkson?) where they have the warehouse sales
Wait ... okay, I got my Atria bearings now. The bookshop is upstairs, where Popular used to be before it moved to Ikano. The warehouse sales is one floor down, where Parkson's stationery dept (including the books and music) used to be. Got it now.
*please don't thump me for forgetting*
i bought khaled hosseini's a thousand splendid suns at mph-cried buckets and buckets and buckets of tears as i read it starting at page 34.
Acmamall is having a 25% Storewide Discount on all books to celebrate Merdeka.
If you managed to get the discount from MPH while buying the book, you should be an MPH member already, right? My father is one and he got the news from the post-card advertisement they sent a week earlier. :) Sometimes things tend to get lost in the mail or there's a typo in their system. It's best to check with them to ensure you receive the updates.
I went to the Big Bookshop sale yesterday! :D Although the atmosphere was a bit quiet and bare, but it was neat and orderly. Unfortunately I could only find 1 book that I wanted to buy. Budget. Had an arm full of books downsized to that one book. Sob. I wish I was rich...
This morning I'm planning to check out the 3K one. ;D Maybe I can find something there I can afford. hehehe
anon - i am a member but the discount is for everyone. and yes, other people got the card but mine was clearly lost in the post. hope you have a good time at the pay less sale - i'm sure will find lots you can afford
chet - thanks for that useful addition to the post!
ena - yes, i've heard very good things about the book
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