Monday, May 26, 2008

Isabel and the Family Saga

I was sad that I missed Isabel Allende being interviewed on the BBC's Hardtalk by Sarah Montegue the other day about her new memoir The Sum Of Our Days. It isn't possible to watch the programmes on the BBC website anymore now that they are changing to a new system (the BBC i-Player) which we can't subscribe to here (yet?). But some kind soul put a fair chunk of the interview on YouTube (Part 1, Part 2).

Allende talks about how she draws on her family for inspiration, how this is the second memoir written to Paula, her daughter who died, and also about how she writes.

What you may not know - she starts every new book on January 8th, and before that doesn't even know what the first sentence will be, let alone the plot!

Best quote from the interview :
If I had to chose between a relative and a good story, I'd chose the story.
There's more about the book on the Harper Collins website.


Chet said...

Yes, thanks to your tip, I saw the Hardtalk inteview on YouTube.

The talk she gives on TED ( is also very good and very funny and very true.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to pick this up.