There were howls of protest of course for the novels readers feel should have been listed but weren't - the loudest for The Spare Room by Helen Garner (none more so than Canongate publisher Jamie Byng), and Tim Winton's Breath.
Then, over and over there's the same protest about Tom Rob Smith's Child 44 : "But it's a thriller!!"
"So what?" is my response, all that matters is that it measures up in terms of the quality of writing.

I argued against such snobbish pigeon-holing here and I'm already grateful to Child 44 for widening the conversation.
Update 9/8/08 :
Scott Pack's post on this year's Booker kerfuffle is well worth reading.
Hi there,
I got inspired from your blog and in turn have added u as part of my blogroll,Am a malaysian indian s/w eng based in Michigan ...
Started reading and my favourites would be indian authors like Anita Desai, Arundhati Roy,Vikram Seth...
hi Sharm, it's very nice to meet you. we have some favourites in common then - particularly vikram seth.
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