All I had was my ambition and my passionshe says. Now she has experience gained from working in the trade, a business partner and a whole lot of supporters. I really wish her luck and will be dropping by her blog from time to time to see how its going.
Oh, and hands up, how many of you also harbour a dream of opening a bookshop? I do.
(The pic above from the New York Times shows the opening party.)
Yay! One little bit of good news in the avalanche of dreadful news.
-- Preeta
Oh -- I just realised I know this woman! I met her when I read at McNally Robinson, another great independent bookshop, where she was working. She's lovely.
-- Preeta
*two hands up in the air* the more i work in a bookstore, the more i want my own. the more i work in a bookstore, the more pessimistic i get about an indie store actually lasting, though. out of 10 customers, 5 would be browsing magazines then leave them on the floor, 2 would be looking for Enid Blyton in the romance section, 2 would be students looking for the staff to do their literature homework for them, and 1 would be the person that makes everyone else worth it.
I think the next independent bookstore to open in Malaysia should have an ais kacang stall, but only the original recipe, please. And a choice of "kurang manis".
Definitely. And you know what, it shoiuld have doughnuts, not the cold, hard sickly sweet kind they have here, but the soft fluffy ones that taste like orange juice :)
But that's not going to happen is it ? :)
I definitely do too Sharon. And I'd really like for it to have a children's corner where I would be able to read to my kid and other kids as well.
Putting my hand up...and it must have GOOD coffee.
But now, the most interesting question, how much are you willing to pay for it? I'd be surprised if the answer isn't "nothing" :)
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