Saturday, August 13, 2005

Writings from the Diaspora

Where will the best Indian writers come from in future? Read Zafar's take on William Darymple's assertion that the next batch of successful Indian writers in English will emerge from the Diaspora.

My own feeling is that much of the sharpest writing comes from writers who straddle two very different cultures giving them a certain amount of distance and perspective - the ability to see both as insider and outsider at the same time.

Says Zafar:
The fact is the market for Indian (and even African) writing in English is not in India but in America and Europe. It is natural that Indian writers, who have degrees and addresses in London or New York, will succeed as they have better access to literary agents or publishers. Also, the lack of a literary culture in India, especially in centres like Delhi as noted by William, will not be a problem for Indian writers in the West.

True for writers here too, I think.

Chickens and eggs. Chickens and eggs.

How do we grow a literary culture locally?

Answers on a postcard please.


Anonymous said...

Oh there is totally a literary culture in India!!! SO MUCH MORE than here.

Sorry, it's late and I'm sleepy, so I haven't read the whole article, but that's my response to that quote.


bibliobibuli said...

Please fight this one with Zafar. I also would like to poke him on this.