You can read the winning passage (which includes description of a certain part of the male anatomy "leaping around like a shower dropped in an empty bath") here along with those of the other runners-up. Don't say I didn't warn you!
And if you wish you'd been at the award ceremony where "Filth and hilarity abounded in equal measure", you can at least read about it on the Culture Vulture blog.
I love that stuff that comes out every year.
i would make a very bad critique...i love the winner! it's very good! it can't be bad if you have this very original line...(i must try it someday)...and he shot three more times, in thick stripes on her chest. Like Zorro.
Every _YEAR_ Paul ? wow, but you must have a boring life :)
I heard that women can have multiple orgasms. If men could we would have a very interesting life.
men _can_ have mutiple orgasms.. just not all at the same time :)
savante - yes i was looking forward to hearing who the nominees were
greenbottle - nothing wrong with that! I think it's quite fun too! to everyone his or her own taste ...
anon - ... thanks for the educational pointers! haha
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