I know these phases which come attached to depression and know just to ride them out. Head will be returned intact, eventually. Meanwhile I clean out cupboards and dejunk my life of all it doesn't need. And make a note be kind to myself.
Writing helps for sure. (Though my head can't focus on the things it is supposed to.)

My book of the moment, Out of Fashion edited by Carol Ann Duffy. Duffy has invited contemporary poets to choose their favourite poems about how we dress (or undress!) and then to contribute their own poems on the topic. Great fun - and a must-read for all fashion victims.
Hey Sharon, I hope you snap out of it real soon. The bright side: your living space will be decluttered!
oooo..what a coincidence...
i just updated my blog yesterday ..and as you may know i don't update it too often..about 2 or 3 times a month..just like frequency of sex for many malaysians i suppose (not me!)...and it's about mild depression too! ...and i swear at this very moment i'm thinking of another posting again ...on poetry for once!...i know absolutely nothing about poetry but there was one i particularly like...Ithaca by cp cavafy...and i only know about this through a newspaper write up about the death of Jackie onassis a long time ago and how her then boyfriend (?) read this poem at the memorial...
is there a correlation between poetry and depression?...i think there is...
Bread (white, raw) works. Dunno why but it does.
Raw bread? What's that? Unbaked or untoasted?
Sharon - now I understand why you haven't been answering my sms's. Or maybe not.
Is it the big M you're suffering from?
lydia - getting rid of old stuff is very liberating and i think a sort of subconscious metaphor
greenbottle - you too? i think we may have to give up poetry! am off to read your blog ...
can't eat white bread ...
sorry if i haven't answered smses today ... to be honest didn't even look at my handphone ... (then like an idiot i wonder why people aren't contacting me!) chet - i am not very thumb centric and don't really enjoy messaging because it takes me so long ... prefer a call or e-mail ...
Lately I've become an honorary member of the depression club. I try telling myself that angsty writing does this to you ala Tenessee William (sp?). But look what happened to him. Jane Sunshine
Well, if you can't abide by bread, I hear chocolate might help. I think I saw something about this on TV. Anyway, Sharon, are you going to be at Maya Gallery tonite for Geraldine Collinge's reception? Bernice'll be reading her poems. There, get some vino down you, to feel better... and some talk with us (I think Lil ms d's name is also on the invite list). See you this evenin?
Untoasted.. hmm that's weird.. first time I've come across anyone who can't eat bread.
white bread ... gives me gastric problems, the healthy wholemeal stuff is fine ...
I just came back from London with 12 books to add to the 20-odd I already had waiting to be read, I have slowed down immensely this year and it is getting me down! Partly because I am struggling with the book I'm trying to read (The Children of Men by P.D. James, passed on by a friend), partly because I seem to have had so much else to do. How on earth do you find time for writing on top of everything else?! And today I went to a book-signing and of course acquired another book, now I don't know what to read first out of about 6! Well, it is a good problem to have I suppose.
yes i am greatly comforted by just having books i know i'll love - one day!
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