Anthony Thornton tells in the Times how he promoted his book The Libertines: Bound Together by adopting the same strategies on the internet as the band he was writing about. He had no advertising campaign and says there was no guarantee that his book would get any media coverage at all. But by working to make friends on the web, Thornton managed to hit Amazon's Top Ten bestselling pre-orders!!
(Writing articles about writing your book is another excellent promotional tool. And no doubt I've just done my bit for his cause too by blogging this. )
9 July, 2006
Dear Sharon,
Great piece. I keep an eye on your blog daily and find it is the most informative for what is going on in the industry both here and overseas. I’m sure it takes a lot of effort and we don’t say it enough but … thanks.
Peace out,
Yup, I saw numerous published writers (John Scalzi comes to mind) with Myspace accounts too. I'm sure their methods of promotion are very much similar to the indie bands and musicians over there. Ah, the joys of social networking.
peace out - you're so kind! many thanks
swifty - that's interesting - i hadn't even thought about a myspace account ... must investigate
Your post got me thinking, Sharon. I would say that at least 60-70% of my book purchases this year ('bestsellers' or relatively unknowns), came about from a mention in a blog (like Writers Desks here - I had to pay AUD$12-00!!).
it's great, ron, that blogs are becoming increasingly important as ways to share info on books. it cuts through all the hype, and you hear about some real gems you might otherwise have missed
i find myself reading books recommended by folks who drop by this blog which is really nice!
Agree with anonymous - you've a great site and and I'm sure it takes a lot of effort to maintain it daily. So, thanks from me as well!
ahhhh .... gee *looks down at feet in embarrassment*
actually i love my blog and write it as much for me as for you, so it is no chore (although feel guilty about the time i spend, shouldn't i be doing something more useful??)
but i learn so much along the way and the friends i've found here (many of whom have materialised into the bright sunlight of "real life") have more than made it worth the effort ...
But your blog *is* useful! Well, for bookaholics, at least...
and we're a pretty sad lot, ted! meanwhile i remain jealous of the great stories on your blog!
Hi Sharon,
It's my first time posting on your blog...Very late in my many thanks for all the wonderful and up-to-date bits of information you share with us. It's a great blog and am having so much fun visiting it (almost) daily:) Glad to hear you're well again too. Take care and 'encore' for the blog many times over:)
thanks so much, whitearrow, and i'm really happy to hear from you
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