The book launch and reading will take place on Saturday, 14th June 2008 at 5.30 pm at Silverfish Books, 58-1 Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Baru, Kuala Lumpur (Tel: +603-228 448 37).
The book is described as :
... an intriguing story of the legendary Princess Hang Li Poh, who was married off to the Malaccan Sultan Mansur Shah, as a gift from the Chinese Emperor.*Raman says some of his customers seem confused about this - a young adult novel is one aimed at older teenagers.
Hi Sharon,
A nice spin on a legendary tale or part of history. But I would have preferred the story (modern day part) to be set in Malaysia! Kiasu me!
But a light enough book (both in weight and matter!) to consider mailing out to overseas bookcrossing friends!
I hope to be able to attend the book launch!
I had a friend who took her English class at UC Santa Barbara. She's quite garang, according to him.
teachers need to be garang sometimes, kamal. would love to borrow some of shirley's garangness.
I can't believe you are garang. Not from the pic, anyway.
i work hard to cultivate the image. i greatly admired a friend i taught with who once put on such a withering stare, a student fell into the monsoon drain (fortunately not a deep one.) from such pleasures are a teacher's life made.
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