Indonesian motivational speaker Tung Desem Waringin decided to throw 100 million rupiah (RM34,500) in cash and seminar tickets out of a plane to promote his new book. The drop which took place in Serem in Batang Province. (He initially wanted to create a "rain of money" over Jakarta but was refused permission.)
As a publicity stunt it's generated interest worldwide, being picked up by Reuters and other news agencies ... but don't you think there's something distasteful about getting a crowd of poor folks to scramble for cash? And how many of them are going to want or be able to ... or even benefit from attending a get-rich-quick seminar?

What a pity he doesn't know how to capitalise on the publicity he's generated by having a decent website in place! His site is currently down and his MySpace page is so desperately untidy you can't read a thing.
And ... er ... what's the name of his book, actually?
Haha, I knew you'd pick this up. But you gotta give the man credit for his creativity.
definitely! but i hope this doesn't give you ideas for your next book launch!
I don't have RM34K to spare and I can't ride a horse either, so both ideas are no good to me :) Mmmm... I'll have to think of something different, but not too radical.
Yes, it is disgusting. He could have contributed the money in a much better and humbler way.
hey isn't there this kl socialite, becky something, who does the same thing at her soirees? it's been written about in the papers i think.
throws money around ms d? do you have her address?
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