Sunday, November 14, 2010


I took a sort of nap in this blog for a few weeks, as you may well have noticed. I think there is a phenomena we should perhaps call blog burn-out, when after months or years of doing a perfectly respectable job of posting up the latest news embellished with incredibly insightful personal opinions (!), I seemed to hit a wall and everything suddenly seems a lot more effortful and a lot less enjoyable. Maybe it's time to move on? I'm finding that I am enjoying Twitter, and am still posting links to articles about books and writing there, so please follow me.

I will put up notices of events (mine and others) and perhaps the odd post when I really feel like it.


Jordan said...

Say it ain't so, Sharon!

Grandpa said...

Oh dear, Sharon, just as I was beginning to enjoy your blog!

I started blogging in August, so you can imagine the fervour...

I have to thank you as some of my visitors are from your site I think.

Oxymoron said...

Not everyone twitters. FB too, please? :)

Fine Form said...

It was your fault to start with. I tried but you wanted to ban 'anonymous' and you wanted to run this like China or Singapore. And China and Singapore are really boring places to be in.

Anonymous said...

I noticed you'd gone silent, but I hoped it was temporary. I haven't been keeping up with your blog the way I used to back in KL, but this still makes me sad...

Sunflower said...

I have been having the same problem, hence have fallen silent for the past 2 years...

K said...

Hello! I was googling up bookclubs in KL and yours popped up. I am very interested in joining a bookclub, and was hoping you could point me in the right direction. =) Great blog by the way!