Sunday, December 12, 2010

December Readings@Seksan

Date: Saturday 18th December, 2010
Time: 3.30pm
Place: Seksan's, 67, Jalan Tempinis Satu, Lucky Garden, Bangsar


The readers for this month are:

Azwan Ismail
Eeleen Lee
Maizura Abas
Jeremy Chin
kG Krishnan

Admission free and everyone very welcome. Please pass on the invitation to anyone else you think might be interested.

(For enquiries contact Sharon 017-2644956,


Anonymous said...

Hehehe. Lucky I checked your blog. Didn't know I was on for this Month, and it's this coming Saturday.

I'm not on-call, so see you guys there!

I think I'm having palpitations already....

fadz said...

I didn't know there's another Fadz! Well congrats on reading in Seksan!