Believe me, this is something special. Don't miss it!
Here's the blurb about it:
Hailed by the London Metro as the “British Queen of Performance Poetry”, British-Malaysian poet Francesca Beard will take you on a journey that breaks down old perceptions of what poetry is with her acerbic wit and cross-cultural takes on life. Spoken word is poetry that is performed; a contemporary art form that is popular yet profound, accessible yet inspired. Francesca Beard does it in her inimitable style, mixing sharp observations with humorous anecdotes, churning them out as only a poet could.
Francesca will be joined on stage by eight of Malaysia’s most exciting young poets, giving you a night of rhyme and word as you’ve never had in KL.
About Francesca Beard
London-based poet Francesca Beard was born in Malaysia and spent the 70's growing up in Penang, before moving to the UK. She is a full-time poet, performing spoken word to audiences all over Britain, as well as internationally.
She has worked as a workshop facilitator in creative writing, poetry and performance for Apples & Snakes, the UK’s leading organisation for performance poetry, and is working on longer term projects with theatres and organisations.
Francesca’s poems have been featured in numerous publications, and she has performed commissioned work for Apples & Snakes, BBC, Chris Ofili and Victoria Miro Gallery, the Arts Council, England, and more. In May 2005, her first radio play, ‘The Healing Pool’ was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and London Live. Her one-woman show, ‘Chinese Whispers’, produced by Apples and Snakes, has recently been and still is touring, and she is developing a new show supported by the Arts Council, England.
This is Francesca’s first time performing in Malaysia.
For more details on Francesca, visit www.francescabeard.com
About the Malaysian poets
Bernice Chauly has worked as a filmmaker, photographer, publisher, actor, playwright and teacher. Her work as a poet explores subjects including love, history and identity.
Fahmi Fadzil acts and writes when he can, and watches and reads when he can't. He is a member of theatre ensemble Akshen and arts collective Five Arts Centre.
Jasmine Low—publisher, marketing consultant and event organiser—writes stories based on her experiences as a migrant living in between Malaysia and Australia.
Jerome Kugan is a poet, writer and musician. His hauntingly imagistic poems are products of his deconstruction of the nature of perception in a fast-changing world.
Pang Khee Teik is a writer, photographer and editor of Kakiseni.com. His highly frank and amusing stories are based on past and present real-life bedroom adventures.
Rahmat Haron is a prolific young poet and visual artist. He has also worked as a theatre activist, performance artist and supporter of political change in Malaysia.
Ruhayat X is a writer and publisher whose stories and observations of urban life in Malaysia are witty, biting social satires with a sly surreal bent.
Sharanya Manivannan was born in India in 1985. A writer, dancer, painter, activist and journalist, she is currently working on her first novel and collection of poems.
About Troubagangers
Troubagangers is the combined outfit of Troubadours and Doppelganger, together responsible for two regular monthly events nights of live music, original song-writing, poetry and prose by local burgeoning talent in Kuala Lumpur. Doppelganger is headed by Jasmine Low while Troubadours is headed by Jerome Kugan, Azmyl Yunor and Tan Sei Hon.
For more details and to see images of past performances, please visit:
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Great! But which La Bodega? BSC, Bangsar Bahru or Buckit Changkat? Thanks
anna - the address is given and link to the map - above
Ah, the one who doesn't have one and will never have one :) if I liked performance poetry I'd have gone there. But performance poetry to me is like group sex in public.
"Bangsar Bahru", "Buckit Changkat".. :D
Yes it would be the one in Tengkat Tong Shin, that would be "Buckit Chayng-cut" to you I guess :)
Wayang Kata will be held 5 April, 8pm, at La Bodega KL, Tengkat Tong Shin, off Changkat Bukit Bintang. ;-)
hey jerome - thanks for coming to the rescue of all those who can't read the map!
see you tomorrow!
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